
Nikola Tesla unlimited free energy forever

Nikola Tesla unlimited free energy forever

From Google Videos.
Lightworks Video&Audio
Hosted by Bill Jenkins, formerly of ABC Radio, this comprehensive documentary features physicists and inventors who are challenging orthodox science to bring this non-polluting technology forward despite ridicule and suppression. See actual working prototypes that defy classical physics including phenomenal experiments in anti-gravity and the transmutation of metals.

Solid State Tesla Coil – Ebook

Posted in Ebook,Education,Embed,Kewl,Nikola Tesla,Secrecy,Solid State,Tesla,Tesla Coil by mazanga on May 13, 2010

Solid State Tesla Coil (TCL3) – Ebook

The following manual will instruct you on how to build a solid state Tesla coil. These devices work at a high frequency and high voltage.

Nikola Tesla – Tesla Death Ray Reconstruction Postulate – Ebook

Tesla Death Ray Reconstruction Postulate – Ebook

The death ray or death beam was a theoretical particle beam or electromagnetic weapon of the 1920s through the 1930s that was claimed to have been invented independently by Nikola Tesla, Edwin R. Scott, Harry Grindell Matthews, and Graichen, as well as others. By 1957 the National Inventors Council was still issuing lists of needed military inventions that included a death ray. The concept was never put into action, but it fueled science fiction stories and led to the science fiction concept of the hand held ray gun used by fictional heroes such as Flash Gordon. Nikola Tesla claimed to have invented a death ray using what he termed “teleforce” in the 1930s and continued the claims up until his death.

Tesla had 3 objectives for his tower:
1.Worldwide wireless communication.
2.Worldwide transmission of electricity.
3.A shield to protect the U.S. from foreign invasion.

Tesla’s wireless and communications system did not use Hertzian waves to broadcast but rather used the earth as a carrier for the electromagnetic and high frequency waves. Tesla was a man of peace and he envisioned using electricity as a shield to protect any nation from an invading force …and thus end all wars… To accomplish this he designed a “peace ray” which the media quickly dubbed a “death ray”.

Nikola Tesla – FBI files 1 & 2

Nikola Tesla – FBI files 1 of 2 Ebook
Description Of following material
Nikola Tesla
100-227 References
156 pages
96 pages
252 total pages
Main Investigative File
156 Pages

There is another file I will post later, interesting read.


Nikola Tesla – Prodigal Genius Biography of Nikola Tesla

Ebook – Prodigal Genius Biography of Nikola Tesla
“SPECTACULAR” is a mild word for describing the strange
experiment with life that comprises the story of Nikola
Tesla, and “amazing” fails to do adequate justice to the
results that burst from his experiences like an exploding
rocket. It is the story of the dazzling scintillations of a
superman who created a new world; it is a story that
condemns woman as an anchor of the flesh which retards the development of man and limits his accomplishment–and, paradoxically, proves that even the most successful life, if it does not include a woman, is a dismal failure. Even the gods of old, in the wildest imaginings of their worshipers, never undertook such gigantic tasks of worldwide dimension as those which Tesla attempted and accomplished. On the basis of his hopes, his dreams, and his achievements he rated the status of the Olympian gods, and the Greeks would have so enshrined him. Little is thewonder that so-called practical men, with their noses stuck in profit-and-loss statements, did not understand him and thought him strange.

Nikola Tesla – The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla – Ebook

Ebook – The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia (then part of Austria-Hungary) on July 9, 1856, and died January 7, 1943. He was the electrical engineer who   invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, which made the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible. Tesla began his studies in physics and mathematics at Graz Polytechnic, and then took philosophy at the University of Prague. He worked as an electrical engineer in Budapest, Hungary, and subsequently in France and Germany. In 1888 his discovery that a magnetic field could be made to rotate if two coils at right angles are supplied with AC current 90° out of phase made possible the invention of the AC induction motor. The major advantage of this motor being its brushless operation, which many at the time believed impossible.

Tesla moved to the United States in 1884, where he worked for Thomas Edison who quickly became a rival – Edison being an advocate of the inferior DC power transmission system. During this time, Tesla was commissioned with the design of the AC generators installed at Niagara Falls. George Westinghouse purchased the patents to his induction motor, and made it the basis of the Westinghouse power system which still underlies the modern electrical power industry today. He also did notable research on high-voltage electricity and wireless communication; at one point creating an earthquake which shook the ground for several miles around his New York laboratory. He also devised a system which anticipated world-wide wireless communications, fax machines, radar, radio-guided missiles and aircraft.